I use the same, the dot4 is better than many other brands’ dot5 or 5.1 out there. but I’m in europe so a lot easier to find here
Are you guys still getting ate blue over there?
Ate 200 racing Quality?
We have that one at about 15€/L (18 USD)
Maybe? They soft banned ate super blue in the states thanks to the color
The ate 200 actually is the same as the ate blue, since indeed the blue colour didn’t meet some kind of safety rule.
Statement from ATE: Unfortunately due to EU & US law brake fluid can no longer be supplied in blue. This ATE Type 200 is the same spec as the “Super Blue” but amber in colour to meet the new rules.
Werd. I knew it was the exact same just different colors so people knew when they complete flushed fluid out. Didnt know the eu had the same regulation.
Every time I see these few pics of your car I can’t help but always say “The Shake Down” in my head.
Nice flows. How was the track that day?
very nice images!
beautiful rides, thanks for inviting the rsx. lol
now that my car is just about “done”, i’m going to try to make more time for local autocross events and the occasional track day up at the FIRM
beautiful. is that thunderhill east?
Close! This is on West